Breast Care Service Design

The project aims to reduce barriers between public hospitals and young female patients facing breast-related issues, increase diagnosis efficiency  and reduce patients anxiety through digital services.

Project timeline

School project with client | 2-Month


UX Designer | Researcher | Visual Designer

My Role

UX Design | Research

The Problem

Young females show less likelihood of seeking breast related examinations in hospitals

That often result in late diagnosis, and Chinese women usually miss the best time for treatment of breast cancer. What can be done to get women to visit hospitals earlier for a diagnosis?

The Solution

Improved online accompanying service for encouraging and guiding in-hospital diagnosis


Existing hospital problems

Research Goal:
Why females show less willingness to receive in-hospital service?

I sent out surveys and conducted in-depth interviews to figure out what was causing the low willingness. We carried out ideation through group work, developed and tested them, and the hospital approved the outcomes in enhancing the experience of visiting the hospital.

Unwillingness comes from social and personal aspects

My preliminary research research aimed to gain a broader understanding of why late diagnosis occurs.According to the findings, there are two main reasons: socially and personally.  We choose to concentrate mostly on the personal aspects, like embarrassment and unwelcoming service.

Survey result

The service process and the doctor-patient communications are main problems

We gather 80 intercepts from 20 to 50-year-olds about their respective knowledge, experiences, and concerns. And depending on the outcome, we created interview questions and recruited interviewees to better comprehend their requirements and complaints.

We discovered that the hospital's issues center on the environment's services (e.g., the procedure is very messy, women would feel ashamed, etc.) and the doctor-patient interaction, while the patient's understanding of the condition is also crucial.

Field Research

Observe the environment and consult medical professionals.

We conducted field research in two typical public hospitals for breast cancer diagnosis and treatment to determine what steps patients would take.
The service problems that come up in different situations were discussed with various people, including staff, volunteers, and doctors. In addition, we interviewed doctors to find out how they communicate with patients.


Doctor-patient communication is time-limited and stressful

We learned from the doctor's interview that tedious paperwork labor might impair efficiency. Doctors still lack the time and resources to even provide patients with some basic information, which would help them feel less worried and more accepting of the results.


Target Pain Points

Goal: Clarify pain points from researches

Service Blueprint

An overall analysis of interactions between the hospital, doctors and patients

It entails scheduling an appointment, registering, waiting, seeing the physician, undergoing tests, and seeing the physician again. There are five primary issues with the entire servicing procedure:

Blueprint Insights: Four pain points are revealed

1.Confusing route. For patients, the guiding information, which includes digital displays, signs, volunteers, and various additional instructions, is excessively scattered, leading to confusion.
2.Waiting experience is uninteresting and basic. It can occasionally make people anxious due to the hospital setting.Low patient-doctor communication satisfaction.
3.The doctor's visit was short, and he or she appeared exhausted from doing so much repetitious labor.unreasonable staff location settings. Each guiding point has a large staff presence, which offsets the difficulty that the intricacy of the information might create.
4.Inconsistent Service.When this period is over, they must rebook and repeat the process.


Prototype ideas

Refined Design questions:
How might we create a communication-efficient, emotionally-relieving, and knowledge-engaging hospital experience for female patients.

Design Principles

On the basis of that, we first determined the design objectives: to effectively communicate, to lighten the mood, and to increase knowledge.

We all worked together to develop concepts, simulate scenarios, and sketch. One of our essential decision is to incorporate certain material into an online guideline can let patients interact constantly and help them clear up some of their treatment-related doubts.


Final Design